Create a free developer agreement for Rackbeat

For developers and programmers, we offer up to two months of full access to Rackbeat with all functionality - free of charge. Follow the procedure described here to gain access.

If the account has not yet been created in Rackbeat: 

  1. Create a demo account on our website.
  2. Fill in the company information
    NOTE! Always write [DEV] in front of the company name
  3. Check the box for “Create with demo data” to automatically get data you can work with.
  4. Once the account is created, go to our ‘Discount Request Form’ and apply for an extension of the demo:
    • Your e-mail
      (The email with which the Rackbeat account is created)
    • Customer e-mail
      (The customer's email, if they are interested in confirmation of access to Rackbeat)
    • Account number
    • Billing currency
      (The currency with which the account is created)
    • Users to be discounted
      (Fill in your user's email and desired expiration date (max. 2 months from today's date)
    • Reason: Implementation/onboarding assistance
    • Terms of the agreement or comments
      State that it is for developer access, briefly describe which integration/app you are working on and what it does. If working for a specific customer, provide the customer's name.
    • Click “Submit Form”Your request will be answered within 24 hours on regular working days.

If the account is already created in Rackbeat: 

  1. Go to your company settings and add [DEV] in front of the company name, e.g., [DEV] Rackbeat ApS
  2. Go to our ‘Discount Request Form’ and apply for an extension of the demo:
    • Your e-mail
      (The email with which the Rackbeat account is created)
    • Customer e-mail
      (The customer's email, if they are interested in confirmation of access to Rackbeat)
    • Account number
    • Billing currency
      (The currency with which the account is created)
    • Users to be discounted
      (Fill in your user's email and desired expiration date (max. 2 months from today's date)
    • Reason: Implementation/onboarding assistance
    • Terms of the agreement or comments
      State that it is for developer access, briefly describe which integration/app you are working on and what it does. If working for a specific customer, provide the customer's name.
    • Click “Submit Form”Your request will be answered within 24 hours on regular working days.

Extra info that may be valuable for developers

We have created an Integration Partner Space with guides and explanations, where we share our experiences about the most appropriate ways to use/integrate to Rackbeat's API. It can be found here.

General explanations about using our API have been made. We recommend that you read: 
Since some of these guides were made, we have updated our API documentation to Stoplight, but you can find everything you need in both places, and otherwise, our API team is ready to help at (NOTE! All inquiries to the API team must be in English).