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Bill of Materials (BOM)

A Bill of Materials (BoM) is a list of the components or as we know them in Rackbeat, Products that are required to assemble a finished product. For example, if you are making a table, you will need four legs, a tabletop, and screws. These components together form the BoM.

BoMs are primarily used in production but can also be useful in other contexts, such as selling kits (products made up of multiple items).

In Rackbeat, it is possible to have a BoM within another BoM. The nested BoM is simply added as a product within the main BoM.

BoMs are similar to product bundles, but the key difference is that if you are not producing the main item in your BoM, all individual items in the bundle will appear on the sales order/invoice. With a BoM, only the finished product is displayed.

For example:

If you sell a gift basket containing two bottles of wine and a box of chocolates, those three items will be listed on the sales order/invoice if you create the gift basket as a product bundle. However, if you create it as a BoM, only the gift basket itself will be shown on the invoice.