Understanding your first invoice from Rackbeat

Understand why your first invoice from Rackbeat might look different: The reasons for, and the explanation of, a longer billing period during your startup period.

Have you noticed that your first invoice from Rackbeat looks different than expected? This is due to our billing flow, which we will explain here.

Billing flow

Rackbeat charges for the current month plus an additional month when creating a new account. This ensures a stable and accurate billing flow.

Subsequently, there will be a monthly charge.


If your first invoice covers the period from July 28, 2022, to August 31, 2022, this is completely normal.

Payment fee

Rackbeat charges a billing fee of 50 DKK on your invoice if you have not enrolled your account for automatic card payment. 

If you wish to enroll your Rackbeat account for automatic card payment, please follow our guide here: How to enroll in automatic card payment.

In our Terms and conditions for the use of Rackbeat, the following is described:

"3.8 If payment for the subscription is not made online via payment card, an invoice fee of DKK 50 ex. VAT will be added."

Agreement number 

When creating an account in Rackbeat, you will recieve a unique customer number, called the 'agreement number,' consisting of a four- or five-digit number (e.g., 3674). This number is displayed on all your invoices to facilitate identification.

Who should I contact for questions?

If you have questions about your invoice, please contact our accounting department directly at billing@rackbeat.com.