How to create a stock movement

You can move your products from one location to another. It's also possible to move your stock to a temporary "transport" location, if you need to keep track of your inventory while transporting them.

Stock movement can be created in two ways: Manually or via import. Below, we will guide you through how to create a stock movement manually. If you need help with import, please go to the Helpdesk article "How to import stock movements".

Creating a stock movement manually

  1. Select "Inventory" in the top bar
  2. Click "Stock movements" in the menu 
  3. Click "Create new" in the upper right corner
  4. Choose which date the stock movement is to be valid from, which location the product(s) is to be moved from and to and state a reason for the movement
  5. Select the product you want to move and choose the quantity. If you want to move more products, click "+new line"
  6. Click "Create Stock movement" to finalize 
  7. NB! The stock movement will be saved as a draft - when you click "Book", the movement will be booked and the stock quantity updated for the respective locations

TIP: If you create a "temporary" location (e.g. "transport"), you can use this as an intermediary location when you need to move stock from one address to another. In this way, you will never loose track of your stock in the moving proces.