How to import customers

When importing customers, it is possible to import completely new customers, as well as update existing ones.

You can download our sample file to help ensure that you include the correct data in the import.

It is important that the file being imported is of this format:

.CSV (CSV UTF-8 (comma separated)


Before you begin, the following must be created in Rackbeat:

  • Customer groups
  • Payment terms
  • Layouts


  1. Select "Sales" in the top bar
  2. Click on "Customers" in the menu 
  3. Click "import" in the upper right corner
  4. You now have the option to download a sample file - which we recommend, to ensure that you include the correct data in the import. 
    It is important that you save your file as a .csv file with utf-8 encoding before loading
  5. You can now import the file

If you use the sample file, it will automatically go in and map the matching columns. Otherwise, you map the columns in the field by simply pressing the headings to that field.

If you want to remove a field, press “X”


The data to be imported must meet the following criteria:

  • Mandatory information is as follows: Customer number, customer name, customer group, VAT zone, layout, payment terms and language.
  • The customer number must not exceed 9 characters.
  • The customer name must not exceed 255 characters.
  • VAT zone is written with numbers. Domestic (1), EU (2), Abroad (3) and Domestic, exempt (4).

See explanation of the columns below: Mandatory fields are marked in bold.



Customer nr.

Customer number. Maximum 9 characters.


Customer name Maximum 255 characters.


Customer group. The group number, not name, must be entered in this column.


The customer's 1st address.


The customer's 2nd address.

Zip code


The customer's Zip code.


The customer's city.


The customer's country

Vat Zone


The supplier's VAT zone. The following can be specified in the import sheet:  
Domestic: 1, domestic, 
EU: 2, EU, Europe
Overseas /Abroad: 3, abroad, overseas
Domestic (excluding VAT)): 4, domestic_exempt, domestic (exempt)

Payment terms

Here the customer's payment terms are selected. Must be created in advance. Payment terms number, not name, must be entered in this column.


The customer's VAT number.


The customer's mail address.


The customer’s phone number.


The customer's primary currency. Must be entered with a currency code of 3 characters e.g. Danish kr. (DKK) euro (EUR) etc. You can see the currency code under the currency tab in the company settings. Here you can also add all the currencies that the company uses. 


Customer’s language. New languages ​can be added under the language tab in the company settings.


Customer EAN number if available.


Customer layout. Must be created in advance. See, how here.

Max. Credit


If there is a maximum on the customer's credit, this can be specified here.

Custom fields

If you have created custom fields on the customer, these can be created here. Each field must be specified with the field ID. If a field has ID 1, the column must be matched with ‘field 1’ etc. 


Primary reasons why the import file cannot be uploaded to Rackbeat:

  • Empty cells in mandatory columns.
  • An entered language that does not already exist in Rackbeat.
  • An entered layout that does not already exist in Rackbeat.
  • Entered payment terms that does not already exist in Rackbeat.
  • An entered customer group that does not already exist in Rackbeat / an entered group is written using name instead of number.
  • The customer's number is over 9 characters.
  • Customer name is over 255 characters.

Updating existing customers:

It is also possible to update existing customers via our import function. If desired, check 'update existing'. Then the columns containing the data to be updated are mapped.