My import failed, what do I do now?

If you experience an error when trying to import to Rackbeat, you can follow this guide to figure out how to fix it

When your import to Rackbeat fails, you will be presented with a pop-up window that resembles something like this

What happens in this situation? 

Rackbeat will automatically import the successful lines and create a report for the unsuccessful lines which can help you identify which lines have an error and what to correct. Let's go over that process together.

Identifying unsuccessful lines

To identify where it went wrong, you can download a file where Rackbeat directly will tell you the error. 

Click the line that says "Click here to download the file" 

Then you have to click "Export" to export the file and "Download" to download the exported file down on your computer.

Open the file that you have downloaded.

A new column will have been created in your file and only the unsuccessful lines 

In the picture above you see 2 files, the imported file and the file I have exported with my errors. Let's go over the examples together.

In my example, I am trying to import 3 new products to my Rackbeat agreement. 2 of the products in my file is missing data in required cells and therefore cannot be imported.

Product number Item Group Product Name Suggested Cost price Sales Price Primary supplier Barred
ScWire10m 78 Solarcell Wire 10 meters 50 199 10112  
ScWire20m 78 Solarcell Wire 20 meters 60   10112  
ScWire30m 78 Solarcell Wire 30 meters   249 10112  

As you can see in the table above, the products "ScWire20" and "ScWire30" are missing some information in the "Suggested Cost price" and "Sales price" columns. These fields are mandatory when it comes to creating new products.

If we then take a look at the exported file with my errors, then you can see the following: 

Error Message Product number Item Group Product Name Suggested Cost price Sales Price Primary supplier Barred
The Sales price field is required. ScWire20m 78 Solarcell Wire 20 meters 60   10112  
The Suggested cost price field is required. ScWire30m 78 Solarcell Wire 30 meters   249 10112  

The column with the "Error Message" will help you identify exactly where the import failed. Therefore you can correct this information and import the file again. Should you experience an error once again, try to go over the process once again to see if an error occurred with the newly added information.

An example of this could be if the information that you have entered doesn't match with the information in Rackbeat or perhaps if something is incorrect. That could be if I had entered the "suggested cost price" as "70e" instead of "70". 

What if there's multiple errors in my product line? 

If you have a product line that is unsuccessful and have multiple errors, you go through the exact same process as explained above. The difference is just that there's more information in the "Error message" Column.

Error Message Product number Item Group Product Name Suggested Cost price Sales Price Primary supplier Barred
The Sales price field is required. The Suggested cost price field is required. ScWire30m 78 Solarcell Wire 30 meters     10112  

As you can see, the field "Error Message" explains that my product line is missing both a "Suggested Cost price" and "Sales Price" before it can be imported.