In this article, we review the Rackbeats mobile application.
In this article, we will be going through the following sections:
- Features
- Premium vs. Warehouse users
- Sales section
- Warehouse section
- Settings
- Frequently Asked Questions
You can click on the link above to go directly to the section in this article.
The mobile application offers a range of features designed to streamline your workflow when handling sales orders, receipts and shipments on the go. With the built-in camera, you can quickly scan products, adjust inventory, perform stock counts, transfer stock between locations, and manage orders, shipments, and goods received from purchase orders effortlessly.
Rackbeat's mobile application is actively evolving, with new features and enhancements regularly added. This article will be updated with each new release.
Premium vs. Warehouse users
There is a difference in what each user type can access in the mobile application, and we will be covering them in this section.
Features | Premium user | Warehouse user |
Warehouse - Pick and Pack | ✅ | ✅ |
Warehouse - Receiving | ✅ | ✅ |
Warehouse - Checking | ✅ | ✅ |
Warehouse - Movements |
✅ | ✅ |
Warehouse - Adjustments |
✅ | ✅ |
Warehouse - Inventory |
✅ | ✅ |
Sales - Inventory |
✅ | ❌ |
Sales - Orders |
✅ | ❌ |
Sales - Customers |
✅ | ❌ |
What is the difference between the two inventory modules?
The mobile application offers two inventory modules that may appear similar but serve distinct purposes.
The Sales Inventory module provides access to view product cost prices, while the Warehouse Inventory module does not display cost prices.
Sales section
In the Sales section of the application, you can work with the following options:
In the Sales Inventory module, you can access an overview of all products and Bill of Materials in your Rackbeat agreement, along with their details.
You can also scan a barcode to quickly locate product information within the app if the barcode number has been added to the product in Rackbeat.
In the Sales Inventory module, you can view the cost price of your products. This feature is not available in the Warehouse Inventory module.
Product details cannot be created or updated through the mobile application; this must be done from a computer.
The Orders feature provides an overview of all your active and archived orders in Rackbeat, including their details and contents. You can edit draft orders, create new orders, and complete active orders.
Within each order, you can view and add notes, manage shipments, and send order confirmation emails.
How to create an order
To create an order in the mobile app, you have to do the following:
- Go to orders: Click on 'Orders' to go to your order overview.
- Create new: Click on the plus icon to create a new order.
- Select customer: You have to select or create the customer that you want to create the order for
- Set up the order: Fill in the order details, such as
- Order date.
- Delivery date.
- Heading.
- Note.
- Billing & Delivery addresses.
- References.
- Global discount.
- Add product or text lines: Add the product lines or necessary text lines to your order.
- When adding a product line, you can also change the quantity, Discount for the line, unit price, delivery date and line name.
- Confirm your order: Click the button 'Confirm' to go to the final step of the order.
- Send or skip order confirmation: In the final step of the order, you can chose whether or not you'd like to send the order confirmation to the customer or not.
- Completion: Now you have confirmed your order, the next step is to handle your shipments.
You can edit an order when it's a draft or confirmed order, all you have to do is to find the order and click on 'edit' or the three dots and click on 'Reopen'.
How to handle a shipment
To handle a shipment in the mobile app, you have to do the following:
- Find the order: Go to your order overview and find the order that you want to create a shipment for.
- Create shipment: Click on the three dots and click on 'Create shipment' to create your shipment.
- Confirm: Click 'Yes' to create the shipment.
- Go to shipments: Click on 'Shipments' in the menu at the bottom to find the shipment that you have created.
- Open shipment: Click on the shipment to open it.
- Pick and pack: Select the quantity and location for each product line or click "Pick all"
- Additionally, you can scan the barcode for the products to speed up the picking process.
- Swipe to ship: Swipe on the bar at the bottom of the screen to complete the shipment and adjust the inventory
- Send or skip order confirmation: In the final step of the order, you can chose whether or not you'd like to send the delivery note to the customer or not.
- Completion: Now you have shipped your order. The next step is to handle the invoice, which will have to be done from a computer.
You can also download the picking list or delivery note as a PDF down to your phone while handling a shipment in the mobile application.
All you have to do is to go into the shipment and click on the three dots, here you will be presented with 2 options, whether to download the picking list or delivery note.
The Customers feature offers an overview of all customers and their details within your Rackbeat agreement. You can view, edit, and delete customer information, and also create new customers directly from the mobile application.
How to create a new customer
To create new customers through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to customers: In the app menu, select "Customers".
- Create new customer: Click on the Plus icon in the upper right corner
- Edit the customer: When you're editing the customer, you can make changes to the following fields:
- VAT number.
- Customer number*.
- Customer group*.
- Default currency*.
- Language*.
- Payment terms*.
- Vat zone*.
- Currently you're only able to pick between Domestic, EU, Abroad and Domestic (exempt).
- Billing and Shipping addresses.
- Our reference.
- Contact information.
- Phone number.
- E-mail.
- E-mail for offers.
- E-mail for orders.
- E-mail for invoices.
- Complete creation: When you have filled in the necessary details, then you can swipe the bar at the bottom where it says "Create" to complete your creation.
The fields marked with * is required to fill out to create the customer.
How to edit a customer
To edit customers through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to customers: In the app menu, select "Customers".
- Select the customer: Click on the customer you want to edit.
- Click on the 3 dots: Click on the 3 dots to open a drop-down menu.
- Click 'edit': Click 'Edit' to edit the customer.
- Edit the customer: When you're editing the customer, you can make changes to the following fields:
- Customer number.
- Vat number.
- EAN number.
- Customer group.
- Customer name.
- Default currency.
- Max credit.
- Language.
- Payment terms.
- Delivery terms.
- Vat zone.
- Currently you're only able to pick between Domestic, EU, Abroad and Domestic (exempt).
- General discount %.
- Billing and Shipping addresses.
- Our reference.
- Contact information.
- Phone number.
- E-mail.
- E-mail for offers.
- E-mail for orders.
- E-mail for invoices.
- Save changes: When you have made the necessary edits, then you can click on the save icon in the upper right corner to save your edits.
How to add addresses to a customer
To add addresses to customers, you have to do the following:
- Go to customers: In the app menu, select "Customers".
- Select the customer: Click on the customer you want to delete.
- Click on addresses: Click on 'Adresses' which can be found in the menu at the bottom of the screen.
- Create address: Click on the plus icon to create a new address for this customer.
- Select address type: select whether or not this should be a Billing, delivery address or both.
- Fill in details: Fill in the details for the address, here you have the following fields to fill out:
- Name.
- Street.
- Street2.
- City.
- Zip Code.
- Country.
- E-mail.
- Phone,
- Save the address: Click 'Save' to complete the creation of the address.
How to delete a customer
Please note that customers with booked invoices and/or confirmed orders cannot be deleted.
Do you wish to delete a customer with posted invoices and/or orders?
In this case, you can conveniently do the following in your web browser:
1.Copy the customer.
2.Change the name of the original customer and block this one.
3.Change the name of the copied customer and ensure that the information for this one is correct.
To delete customers through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to customers: In the app menu, select "Customers".
- Select the customer: Click on the customer you want to delete.
- Click on the 3 dots: Click on the 3 dots to open a drop-down menu.
- Click 'delete': Click 'Delete' to delete the customer.
- Confirm: Confirm your choice by clicking on 'Delete'.
Do you get an error when trying to delete your customer?
If you get an error saying "message: This customer has booked invoices and/or orders, and can therefore not be deleted."
Then it is because that the customer have transactions on them and therefore cannot be deleted. They instead have to be barred, which will have to be done from a computer and a regular user login.
Warehouse section
In the Warehouse section of the application, you can work with the following options:
Pick & Pack
The Pick & Pack feature allows you to prepare and complete the shipments that are created by your orders and sales invoices from Rackbeat.
You can view a picking list and delivery note.
You're also able to use the camera on your mobile phone to scan the barcode, if the barcode is connected to the product in Rackbeat, then the application will automatically select the product and present you with a pop-up window prompting you to select amount and confirm the picking.
How to Pick & Pack
To pick and pack a shipment through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Pick & pack': In the app menu, select "Pick & pack".
- Select the shipment: Click on the shipment that you want to pick and pack.
- Pick the product lines: You can do the following to pick the product lines and swiping the bar at the bottom to ship.
- Scan the barcode on the product and confirm the quantity.
- Change the quantity and click on 'Pick all', this will result in the order being partially picked/shipped.
- Without changing the quantity, click on 'Pick' all.
- Send delivery note: You can decide whether or not you want to send a delivery note to the customer.
- The order is now shipped.
The Receipt feature enables you to manage and mark items as received, ensuring your stock updates in Rackbeat. Receipts are generated from your purchase orders or supplier invoices in Rackbeat, allowing staff on the floor to handle receipts directly and instantly.
How to handle a receipt
To handle a receipt through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Receiving': In the app menu, select "Receiving".
- Select the receipt: Click on the receipt that you want to handle.
- Check the receipt: Make sure the amount in the receipt for each product line and location is correct. If you have received less than what you ordered, then you can adjust the quantity. Additionally you can also change the location, if you want that shipment to end up at a different location.
- You can scan the barcode of the product to have it pop up on your screen where you can adjust the quantity and location.
- Complete receipt: To complete the receipt, simply slide the bar at the bottom of the screen.
You're unable to receive a larger amount than what you have ordered, if you physically receive more than ordered you will have to make an adjustment.
The Checking feature allows you to perform stock checks directly from your phone, where you can scan both the product barcode and the location barcode. This creates a checking draft in Rackbeat, which can then be finalized when logged in on your computer.
How to do a stock check
To do a stock check through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Checking': In the app menu, select "Checking". Here you will be able to see all of your current checking drafts before they're sent to a regular user to book.
- Select draft or create new: Click on one of the drafts to open or click on the plus icon to create a new draft.
- Select the product: Click on the product field to select your product, you can search for it or scan the barcode on the product to find it.
- Select the location: Click on the location field to select your location, you can search for it or scan the barcode for the location to find it.
- Count the stock: Make sure you have counted the total amount of stock on the location and input the amount in the 'Stock' field.
- Finish draft: Click on 'Add' to finish your draft.
- Send stock checks: Swipe the bar 'Send' at the bottom of the screen to send the stock checks to a regular user on a computer.
The regular user logged into Rackbeat will then be able to book the stock checks by going to the menu 'Items' and clicking on 'Stock Checking'.
Here they will be able to book or delete the checking drafts that you have passed on to them.
The stock checks have to be booked before you will be able to see the quantity change in your inventory.
The Movements feature allows you to seamlessly transfer inventory between locations, enabling users to quickly move stock to the correct location as needed.
How to handle a stock movement
To move stock between your locations through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Movements': In the app menu, select "Movements". Here you will be able to see all of your current movement drafts or create a new one.
- Select draft or create new: Click on one of the drafts to open or click on the plus icon to create a new draft.
- Select 'From location': Click on the field 'From location' to pick the location you want to move the stock from.
- Select 'To location': Click on the field 'To location' to pick the location you want to move the stock to.
- Select movement date: Click on the field 'Date of movement' to adjust the day that the stock was moved.
- Give a reason: Provide a reason for the stock movement.
- Add product lines: Select the products that you want to move and the quantity that you want to move.
- You're able to search for a product or scan the barcode on the product.
- Finish draft: When you're ready, swipe the bar at the bottom of the screen that says 'Create' to finish the draft and send it to a regular user on a computer.
The regular user logged into Rackbeat will then be able to book the stock movement by going to the menu 'Items' and clicking on 'Stock movement'.
Here they will be able to book or delete the movement drafts that you have passed on to them.
The stock movement have to be booked before you will be able to see the quantity change in your inventory.
The Adjustments feature enables users to modify product stock levels at specific locations, making it easy to adjust quantities up or down as needed.
How to create/update an adjustment
To adjust your stock through the mobile application, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Adjustments': In the app menu, select "Adjustments". Here you will be able to book your adjustments, see all of your current adjustment drafts or/and create a new one.
- Select draft or create new: Click on one of the drafts to open or click on the plus icon to create a new draft.
- Select 'Date of adjustment': Select the date for the adjustment. This will affect when it's registered as a change.
- Select 'Product': Select the product that you want to adjust. You can manually search for the product or scan the barcode on the product to find it.
- Select 'Location': Select the location that you want to adjust on.
- When a product and a location has been selected, then you will be able to see the available quantity for that particular product on that particular location.
- Set 'Quantity': Set the quantity that you want to subtract or add for the product on the selected location.
- Choose 'Regulation type': Now you have to set a regulation type, this is solely an internal documentation. If none is selected, then it will default to 'Sale'.
- Reason and description: Now you have to enter a reason for the adjustment, you're also given the option to enter a description, but the reason is mandatory.
- Save draft: When you have filled out all of the details, then you can slide the bar at the bottom of the screen to save your adjustment. The next step is then to book the adjustment.
How to book an adjustment
To book the adjustment drafts that you have created, then you have to do the following:
- Go to 'Adjustments': In the app menu, select "Adjustments". Here you will be able to book your adjustments.
- Click 'Book all': Click on the button at the top of the screen that says 'Book all' to book all of the drafts.
- Please be aware that it will book all of the current drafts, therefore delete the drafts that shouldn't be there beforehand. You can book individual adjustments when logged into a computer.
In the Warehouse Inventory module, you can access an overview of all products and Bill of Materials in your Rackbeat agreement, along with their details.
You can also scan a barcode to quickly locate product information within the app if the barcode number has been added to the product in Rackbeat.
You can access a product to view more detailed information about the product, it's weight and size and current stock status.
It's even possible to view the specific location where the product is in stock or requested to.
The amount requested is the amount that is currently registered in a purchase order.
In the Sales Inventory module, you can view the cost price of your products. This feature is not available in the Warehouse Inventory module.
Product details cannot be created or updated through the mobile application; this must be done from a computer.
Let's go over the settings and how to work with the application settings.
To access the settings of the mobile application, you have to click the gear icon in the right hand corner, in here you're able to see the following:
- Rackbeat agreement name.
- Company name.
- Agreement number.
Below the agreement number you have an option to change the language of your user, you can choose between English, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish.
Changing the language will only affect the user that you're logged in as, it will not affect other users in the same agreement.
Sounds & Haptics
Here you're able to toggle whether or not you want to allow the application to use sounds.
Here you're able to toggle whether or not you want to allow the application to use haptic feedback.
Haptic feedback can happen when completing orders, shipments, receipts and more.
Here you're able to clear local data and error reports and send the error report to our support team by mail if requested.
This is the recommended way to report errors directly to the development team, so that they can be more efficient and investigate the issue faster.
Here you're able to see the version of the application that you're using.
We recommend that you always make sure to use the latest version of Rackbeat to gain access to all new features and security updates.
Log out
Here you're able to log out of the user.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to scan a barcode on a product, such as a "Water botte", and create the product in Rackbeat based on that barcode, as well as add stock quantity?
- No, it is not possible to scan a barcode to create a product in Rackbeat. You must first create the product and add the barcode number to it in Rackbeat for the application to recognize the barcode.
Why can't I see the cost price, when looking at my inventory?
- If you're viewing the inventory from the warehouse category, then you're unable to see the cost price of the products. You have to access the inventory through the sales category to be able to see the cost price.
Why can't I see Sales category on the application?
- If you're unable to see the sales category, then it is because the user that you have logged in with is a warehouse user instead of a premium user. Try to log in with a premium user instead.
Why can't I create a product from the application?
- It is not possible to create products from the mobile application, this has to be done through the web browser.
Why can't I edit a product from the application?
- It is not possible to edit products from the mobile application, this has to be done through the web browser.