Layouts in Rackbeat

Layouts in Rackbeat allow you to customize your invoices, order confirmations and other documents sent from the system. In this article, we'll go through your options.

You can easily create and customize your "Layouts" in Rackbeat. Just go to "Layouts" in order to tailor the templates for the PDF files and emails sent from Rackbeat. This guide will assist you in creating, editing and connecting your layouts to specific customers and suppliers, step by step.

First step | Create a New Layout

You might need different languages or company profiles specifically tailored to your customers. Our layouts helps you provide customized PDFs and emails to fit the different profiles of your customers .

Under Company Settings > Layouts, you can create the layouts relevant for you and your company.

1. Click "Create new"

2. Give your layout a name.

3. Choose your preferred language for this exact layout. The language determines the different headings and titles for PDF-files. For instance -  Danish uses terms as "Faktura", "Leveringsadresse" instead of "Invoice"  and "Delivery address", etc. 

4. Choose which bank account that should be connected to the layout.(A new bank account can be created under Company Settings > General settings > Banking > Create new)

5. Choose the font size that should be used in PDF-files (Invoices, Orders, Order confirmations, etc.)

6. Add a logo and decide where it should be placed on the PDF and what size it should have.  

7. You have the option to add a picture of a signature to the layout.

8. Finally, press "Create and edit"

Each layout contains templates for the 9 different PDF - files that can be generated in Rackbeat. Once the templates are created, you have the option to edit each template´s content. We will show you how below.

Second Step | Edit a Layout

Each layout contains templates for nine different functions/PDF-files:

  • Credit Note
  • Customer Invoice
  • Supplier Invoice
  • Picking list
  • Delivery note
  • Sales Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Offer
  • Production Order

For each PDF template, you can decide on the information that should be included. Let´s use the template for "Customer Invoice" as an example. You can edit this PDF, by pressing "Edit".

Screenshot 2023-08-02 093922

1. Select what information should be included on the customer invoice created with this layout. For example, you can decide whether "Signature" or "Payment terms description" should be included.

2. Customize the mail template - here you can edit the email that is sent to de customer (with the PDF file attached)

3. Customize the PDF template - here you can change the layout of the payment terms and the footer of the PDF file. The following options can be used to format the text on the PDF:

a. *italics*

b.  **bold**

c. ***bold and italics***

4. Select which columns that should be displayed on the PDF. For example, "Number", "Text", ""Unit Price" and so on. You can easily change the order of the columns using the small arrows on the right side. 

5. At the bottom of the edit site, there is a percentage, which represents the width of an A4 page (pdf). Therefore, the percent has to be exactly 100% before the system allows you to save the layout. Therefore, you have to edit the width of the different options so that their sum is 100% 

6. Press "Save Changes."

7. In the overview of the templates, you can create an example file with demo data to see how the customer invoice will look as a PDF file based on your settings.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 094146

Tip! You can create your own custom fields which can also be displayed on your PDF files. When creating/editing the field, check "Available in layouts".

Third step | Connect Layouts to Specific Customers

Once you are happy with your layout, you can connect it to your customers and suppliers. This is done within the specific cutomer/supplier profile. This way, the layout will already be selected when you create a new order/purchase/invoice. Ingenius!

Layouts can also be edited/selected within the offer/order/purchase/invoice itself.

NOTE! It´s important to ensure that a standard layout is selected for all customers/suppliers. Otherwise the system will use a demo layout that may not contain all the relevant information.

Therefore, it's a good idea to make sure that a standard layout is selected on all customers/suppliers to avoid purchases/orders/invoices being created without a layout due to an error.

Tip! Layouts for customers/suppliers can be updated via import, so you don´t have to do it individually. Check our articles, on how to do this:

How to update supplier information via import
How to update customer information via import

Tip! Let the system automatically assign a specific layout the next time you create a new customer/supplier. Go to: Company Settings > General > Standard > Customer/Supplier Standard > Layout