Layouts in Rackbeat

Layouts in Rackbeat allow you to customize your invoices, order confirmations and other documents sent from the system. In this article, we'll go through your options.

This guide provides you with a step-by-step instruction on how to create, customize, and connect your layouts in Rackbeat. This is essential for customizing the PDFs and emails that are sent from the system.

  1. Creation of a new layout
  2. Editing layouts
  3. Connecting Layouts to Customers or Suppliers

Before you begin: Remember, Rackbeat's Layout Designer is designed to cover basic needs and may have limitations compared to more advanced design systems.


Step 1: Create a New Layout

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > Layouts.
  2. Select Create new.
  3. Name your layout, choose a language, and link a bank account.
    1. If you need to create your bank information in Rackbeat, we recommend you go through our "Get Started with Rackbeat article".

  4. Adjust the font size, add a logo, and possibly a signature or a watermark to all PDF files created with this layout.
    1. The watermark can also be used as a background on the PDF.
  5. Once you have entered and attached the basic information to your layout, you can click on Create and Edit.


Step 2: Edit Your Layout

Customization of Column View

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > Layouts
  2. Click on the Layout name and then select which part of the layout you want to edit.
    1. An example could be "Customer Invoice"
  3. Select which columns should be displayed on your invoice or order line overview.

  4. Check the columns you want to see and adjust their width so that the total width constitutes 100%.
    1. You can find the total width at the bottom of the page.
  5. Adjust the width so that the maximum is 100%
  6. Save your changes.


Customization of Email Template

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > Layouts
    1. An example could be "Customer Invoice"

  2. Click on Email template to edit the content of the emails sent along with the PDFs.
  3. Adjust the email's text and click on "Apply Changes" to the email template.

  4. Go to the bottom of the layout page and save your changes to the layout.
  5. You will now see the new text on the email template when you are about to send the customer invoice to your customer.

At this point, there is not a list of dynamic fields that can be used in the email template, there is no guarantee that the fields for payment terms and footer can be used in the email template.

Customization of PDF


Customization of Payment Terms

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > Layouts
    1. An example could be "Customer Invoice"

  2. Click on PDF template to edit the text presenting your payment terms on the pdf.
  3. Customize the payment terms within the PDF template, here you can use some of the dynamic fields that directly correspond with the information you have entered in your general settings. An example could look like this:

    It will look like this on the PDF sent to the customer:
  4. Click on "Apply Changes" if you are finished editing the text for your payment terms and your footer.
  5. Remember to save the changes for the layout when you have clicked "Apply Changes".

You can find a list of the dynamic fields for the payment terms by looking under the box you enter them in, alternatively, we have a list of them for you here:

Dynamic Field Meaning
{number} Invoice/Order number
{terms_name} The name of the payment term appears here
{terms_description} If a description is provided for the payment term, it will be displayed here.
{terms_due_date} The due date
{bank_name} The bank name associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_reg} The registration number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_acc} The account number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_swift} The SWIFT number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_iban} The IBAN number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{fik} The FI number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{total_weight} The total weight of the goods on the order
{total_volume} The total volume of the goods on the order
{total_quantity} The total quantity of goods on the order
{other_reference} The text from the field "Other reference"


Customization of Footer

  1. Customize the footer in the PDF template.
  2. Adjust the text, here you can use some of the dynamic fields that directly correspond with the information you have entered in your general settings.
  3. Save your changes.

TIP! You can format the text by doing the following:




Then it will look like this:

You can find a list of the dynamic fields for the footer by looking under the box you enter them in, alternatively, we have a list of them for you here:

Dynamic Fields Meaning
{number} Invoice/Ordernumber
{name} Here it displays the company name
{street} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Street" field under business settings.
{street2} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Street2" field under business settings.
{zipcode} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Zipcode" field under business settings.
{city} Here it pulls the information entered in the "City" field under business settings.
{country} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Country" field under business settings.
{vat_no} Here it pulls the information entered in the "VAT number" field under business settings.
{phone} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Phone" field under business settings.
{email} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Email" field under business settings.
{web} Here it pulls the information entered in the "Website" field under business settings.
{bank_name} The bank name associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_reg} The registration number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_acc} The account number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_swift} The SWIFT number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{bank_iban} The IBAN number associated with the bank information on the layout.
{other_reference} The text from the field "Other reference"


Attachment of PDF

If you want to attach a PDF, for example to all customer invoices, this is also possible in Rackbeat. Here you just need to add it to your layout.

  1. Navigate to Company Settings > Layouts
  2. Click on the Layout name and then select which part of the layout you want to edit.
    1. An example could be "Customer Invoice"

  3. Attach the PDF document that you want to be included in all customer invoices sent to your customer.
  4. Save your layout.


Step 3: Connect Layouts to Customers or Suppliers

Connect the customized layout with relevant customers or suppliers, you do this by going to either the customer or the supplier and then adding it.

You can also choose a standard layout that is used for all new customers created in Rackbeat.

You do this by going to your general settings and setting a standard for both suppliers and customers.

Need help? Contact Rackbeat Support for assistance. We are here to help you get the most out of Rackbeat's Layout Designer.