About the Shopify integration

Shopify is a SaaS platform for webshop, POS and wholesale. You can integrate Rackbeat with your Shopify agreement so data is transferred between the two systems. Below, we explain how the integration works.


This article provides a comprehensive guide on how the integration between Shopify and Rackbeat works. You'll learn how to transfer sales orders, perform maintenance and creation of products, set up initial synchronization, and understand what can and cannot be synced between the two platforms.

Transferring Sales Orders:

The integration allows for seamless transfer of sales orders from Shopify to Rackbeat. When a sales order is created in Shopify, it will be transferred to Rackbeat in real-time. You have the flexibility to choose which order status (created, paid, or fulfilled) should be transferred to Rackbeat (booked, ready to ship, shipped, invoiced, or shipped/invoiced).

Maintenance and Creation of Products:

You can decide which platform should be responsible for product maintenance and product creation. Simply decide whether you want to create/edit products in Rackbeat and have them transferred to Shopify, or vice versa. Additionally, you have the option to disable this synchronization if desired.

Multi-Shop Support:

The integration supports "multi shops," allowing you to integrate one Rackbeat agreement with multiple Shopify webshops. This ensures full synchronization of inventories across all your shops. The integration for the first webshop is free, while additional shops connected to Rackbeat require a monthly payment of DKK 100 per shop.

Initial Synchronization:

During the setup process, you can choose to perform an initial synchronization. This sync enables the transfer of your current products and inventory from Shopify to Rackbeat.

It's important to note that if you don't want to transfer current inventory, you should skip the initial synchronization.

Also, please be aware that deleting products or converting them to Bill of Materials in Rackbeat is not possible if there has been inventory registered for those products.

Transferring Data from Rackbeat to Shopify:

The following information can be transferred from Rackbeat to Shopify if desired:

  • Products/Bill of Materials:
    • Item name
    • Item number
    • Sales price (including VAT)
    • Barcode, description
    • Category
    • Inventories (all or from a specific location).

Transferring Data from Shopify to Rackbeat:

The following data can be transferred from Shopify to Rackbeat if desired:

  • Sales Orders:
    • The customer on the sales order will be validated via email. If the customer already exists in Rackbeat, they will be used; otherwise, a new customer will be created with the next available number.
    • Item lines, VAT, and discounts from the Shopify order will be transferred 1-to-1 to Rackbeat.
    • Special prices or information in Rackbeat will not override Shopify data.
  • Additionally, individual items can be transferred, including:
    • Item name
    • Item number
    • Description
    • Sales price (including VAT)
    • Weight.

What Doesn't Sync:

Please note that the standard integration between Rackbeat and Shopify is not a Product Information Management (PIM) system. As a result, the following features are not synced:

  • Correct product categories, tags, and other PIM-related information.
  • Creation of variations in Shopify. If you work with variations, it's recommended to transfer product data from Shopify to Rackbeat, where Shopify serves as the "master" for product creation and maintenance.

Returns from Shopify to Rackbeat:

When an order is marked as 'Shipped' in Rackbeat, it will not automatically update to 'Shipped' in Shopify.